Saturday, April 26, 2008

Funny Things They Say

They really do know how to make you laugh, kids, right?

So, I thought I would use this blog to start recording the funny, innocent things the kids say, things that an adult could never get away with.

So, the other night, we were going to roast hot dogs outside over the fire pit, since it's finally warm enough, and we made it through a winter of Dawson begging us every night to start a fire, trying to convince us that it's okay if it's cold outside (10 degrees won't hurt anyone), because the fire will keep us warm. Yeah, right.


We were waiting for Daddy to come home to roast our hot dogs over the fire. The kids were all outside as he drove up (not very often that we have to wait for him to get home, since he works at home), and Cole informed him, very seriously, in his own words "Dad, we are going to roast our hot dogs and turn them into wieners!"

We thought it was funny, maybe you won't since we have mom & dad goggles and hearing aids on.


Stacey said...

LOL! Kids are the best,they are so hilarious!

Alicia said...

Hey Anna too funny, our middle boy always has something shocking but funny to say. We are so glad it is spring we are finally doing our firepit roast tomorrow the kids have been dying. Hope you are all great

Sarah Carlston said...

Hilarious! I am laughing so hard!!!