Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Honesty of Children

I just wanted to let you all know the funny for the day, at my expense.

Julia: "Mom, why is your butt so big."

Carry on.


Stacey said...

I tell my kids it's their fault. ;)

Natalie said...

Oh my! It's a good thing she isn't around me...she'd be asking me why mine is even bigger! LOL! Kids say the darndest things!

Kelsy said...

M has asked me the same thing! I just figure everyone has a big butt compared to their little butts. :)

BTW, you've been tagged. :)

Anonymous said...

Why do kids have to be so dang observant?? I like Stacey's answer.. haha

Michelle said...

Yeah, my kids do the same thing too. I like Stacey's answer too. It's true. lol