Thursday, May 1, 2008


This is my flower bed in the front yard, so long pretty flowers, blanketed with snow.
Welcome to May! Here is what we get for the first day of May, nice huh? NO! It started snowing around 7:30 am, and hasn't stopped, and we already have probably six inches out there, and it's only 10:30 am.

I was so excited for Spring, I planted flowers, my kids have been in shorts, playing outside, and enjoying the nice weather. We already got dumped on a few weeks ago, and I thought that would be the last. Little did I know, Mr. Bad Weather Winter decided to grace us with his presence again.
Note to self: Don't plant flowers until after Mother's Day. Duh
And I have a confession for the day:
My kitchen didn't get cleaned last night, it's disgusting. I made dinner for a friend who had a cute baby, so it's double the mess. I am hiding in my room, with the two little ones, while they watch Land Before Time, and I sit on my lap top and avoid the gross kitchen. I'm tired, can't I take the day off? I know it will drive me crazy in a few minutes, and I will go out there and clean it, but for now, I am staying in my room. And Julia keeps telling me "I like my momma," and smothering me with hugs and kisses, why should I leave? The messy kitchen is worth Julia hugs and kisses.


Stacey said...

Whoa that is a lot of snow! Those poor flowers. :(

Moms need a day off too sometimes. The other day I should have cleaned my bathroom,but I played hooky and went to lunch with my SIL instead. :D

Pearson Family said...

Oh my goodness Anna, we just got a little snow...that sucks!

DarbyM said...

Welcome to CO!!!! :)

Rule of thumb here so i hear is never plant before mothers day - UGH.

I say let the /kitchendishes SIT and enjoy a day off! :)