Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Clam it Suzzy"

Does anyone know what that means?

Cole was upset with Adelyne this morning, and that was his response to her. He pronounced it like sudsy, without the "d".

I need a dictionary for parents, to help explain what these types of phrases mean. If anyone could help me, I would more than welcome it. Maybe we need a panel of children to help us to understand their lingo better, and then we can make our own dictionary of kid words and phrases.

I think Cole was trying to tell her something along the lines of "shut up" or "zip it" but since I don't let him use those words, he was being creative.


Alicia said...

Cute new pic on your header, great job!! how have you guys been?

Anonymous said...

wow! Your photography is awesome!!

Williams Family Dirt said...

I think that it from a movie or cartoon...too funny!