Monday, July 28, 2008

Are They Serious?

Okay, okay, I will be the first to admit that I was IN LOVE with Jordan Night (I think that's his name?) when I was 12 & 13 years old, now I can go and hide in a bush.
But, really, I was in love with New Kids on the Block. My walls were plastered with posters of all of them, everywhere, especially on my ceiling so I could wake up and see them first thing in the morning. I dreamed about marrying Jordan Night, justifying the age difference all day long in my head.
My favorite song was "Please Don't Go Girl" with Joey singing like a girl, always thought that was strange.
I even saved up all my money so I could go to their concert when they came to Seattle, and my mom went with me. I was way up high where my nose could bleed, but I didn't care, because I was in the same room as New Kids on the Block.
So, I am 31 years old now, and I thought we were all done with the boy bands. I thought they all knew that being in a boy band, is DORKY, spelled with a capital D, and the rest of them all capitalized. So I kept hearing all kinds of little tid bits on TV about New Kids on the Block, and I thought, no way! They can't be coming back. Then I thought, well maybe it's just Jordan, Johnathan, Joey and Daniel, isn't that his name? (Don't shoot me, okay, maybe I wasn't as obsessed as I thought I was). Because Donny is a pretty well known, good Actor now, isn't he? Why would he do this to himself? It would be like his brother, Mark Wahlberg, AKA Marky Mark, coming back in his underwear, singing, Good Vibrations, but I think he would rather curl up in the fetal position on the red carpet than do that!
I just kind of ignored the talk. Then I heard their song on the radio, and I was honestly embarrassed for them. How can a group of grown men in their thirties, come back singing about summertime?
Then I found this, and I honestly think they are trying to Punk everyone!
What do you think?


Alicia said...

oh my?!! I really didnt like them when they were big, I cant remember who I liked other than Michael Jackson. My sis in law told me the other day that she got tickets for the NKOTB concert and I totally started laughing. Was not a joke she is so excited they are coming to slc in november. I do not get it at all!!!

Natalie said...

It's crazy and I can't believe they're really coming back. Good gosh! But I too was obsessed just like you. My walls were covered, I justified the age difference (I'm almost 30 now) and all. I liked Joe, but I have to go run and hide in a bush.