Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cauliflower Soup

Do any of you go to The Pioneer Woman's website? 

I do. She's funny. 

I made her cauliflower soup the other night. We all liked it. Each child went around the table expressing how they liked the soup. When it was Cole's turn, he said "Yeah, I love this recipe."

He always says it different than the other kids. I think he feels extra smart since he's in Kindergarten now, so maybe he thinks he needs to sound more smart. 

Julia has figured out the art of manipulation. 

If she has something she needs to put away, she will go up to one of the kids and sit down really fast and say "Dawson, here, will you go and put this away, since you are already standing up?'

I am not good at writing in a journal, so I am going to start putting the silly things they say (or not so silly, sometimes really naughty) in here. So bare with me. 

1 comment:

Erin said...

Pioneer Woman is my favorite blog, she's awesome.